John R. Elliott HERO Walk and 5K Run

Sunday, October 20 2019

Ocean City, NJ 08226

Contact Information

A 5K Walk plus a 5K Run to promote the use of sober designated drivers and reduce the number of drunken driving tragedies (the mission of the John R. Elliott HERO Campaign for Designted Drivers®); to raise funds for our important educational and awareness programs; and a time to remember those who have been affected by a drunken driver. Walk begins at The Civic Center (6th and Boardwalk).  Registration 8:30AM, 5K Run 9:30AM, Ceremony 10:30AM and walk at 11:00AM.  (Over at 12:30PM).  For more information www.HEROcampaign.orgor call 609-626-3880. 

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March 12, 2025, 8:42 pm