The New Jersey Shore was pummeled this weekend with a blizzard and tropical storm force winds. The storm caused major flooding Saturday morning during high tide at the Jersey shore, with Cape May Harbor setting a record:
Cape May Harbor – 9.38′
Lewes, Del. Bay – 9.27′
Great Channel Stone Harbor – 10.52′
Some areas at the Delaware Shore saw hurricane force winds. Below are some of the best pictures shared on social media from the storm.
We will be updating the photos in realtime as we see them and sending a recap in our Newsletter on Monday. Send us your best photos on our Facebook page. Whatever you do, stay safe out there and tag a friend in our posts so they can see what’s going on and alert their friends that may be affected.
Surf city – photo by surf city police department
Dave Callahan – The Cove Cape May NJ
Buoy On Beach – Nora Muchanic
susquehanna and oaks – carol pyle pitts
Wildwood Boardwalk at Cresse Ave – Wildwood Police Department
Firehouse Bar – Lenny Scheffold
Walnut and NJ Avenues – Wildwood Police
Angelsea Pub – Debbie Pantalone Lambing
Cecily Tynan