Bicycle Safety

The next time you are visiting Atlantic City, you might want to consider renting a Bicycle. There are many places that rent out bicycles in Atlantic City. Not only is riding a bike great exercise, cruising along the boardwalk on bicycle is a great way to enjoy the view of the Beach. To avoid any dangers, you’ll want to make sure to practice basic bicycle safety, just in case.

Before you even get on the bike, make sure the tires have enough air in them. This will make your ride go more smoothly and comfortably, as well as prevent a tire blowout. Besides, you don’t want to get stuck anywhere with a flat tire. A tire with the right amount of air in it won’t have a “bulging” look, nor should it look saggy on the bottom.

Always remember to wear a helmet when you are riding a bike. This will protect your head and brain if you happen to fall. A basic helmet will do. You can buy these at sporting goods stores or at any Walmart or Target. There are some really neat-looking helmets out now, and some are even aero-dynamically-designed to help your ride faster.

If you are one those extremely cautious types, you may decide to wear knee-pads and elbow-pads in addition to a helmet. This might be a good idea if you have not ridden a bike in a long time.
It is very important to be aware of your surroundings, for your own safety as well as the safety of others. A helmet might not help you if you accidentally ride directly in front of a car, so you will want to be extra careful when riding near the street.

While you are on the boardwalk, be sure to watch out for people who may dart out in front of you. You don’t want to go running anyone over. You might even want to invest in a little bicycle bell. This would serve as a warning to pedestrians who might not see you coming until it is too late. After all, it’s not as if your bike is equipped with one of those “watch the tramcar please” speakers that alert people you are in the area.

Wearing sunscreen and sunglasses is another important precaution you will want to take when riding a bike. You don’t want to come home from your vacation looking like Lenny the lobster! Sunburn can be very painful. Why suffer when you can easily prevent it with a little sunscreen?

It’s important to stay hydrated while you are out in the sun as well. You can either take a bottle of water with you, or stop at many of the refreshment stands (Rita’s, Mac’s Pizza…) along the boardwalk.